What’s On
Since 2016, Assalaam have been providing Al Huda structured courses for Sisters by qualified Al Huda teachers in both English and Urdu.
All classes are held during the local school term dates and are delivered via Zoom.
If you are interested in partaking in any of the courses listed below, please contact info@assalaam.org.
2-Year Al Huda Certificate Course covering brief tafseer of the entire Qur’an
Based on the series delivered by Ustadha Taymiyyah Zubair.
Lessons and key points of the Qur’an are discussed and applied to one’s daily life and specific circumstances.
All aged 16+ years
Monthly £10 Al Huda Institute fee.
Comprehensive, Al Huda Certificate course for Sisters, covering the entire Qur’an.
The aim is to understand the meaning of the Qur’an directly from the Arabic text, without the aid of translations.
The students will learn to recite the Qur’an with tajweed. Arabic grammar is introduced and a detailed tafseer is studied.
Word-to-word translation from Arabic to English is analysed and memorised by the students.
All sessions are delivered via the Al Huda online portal.
There are two categories of students:
Registered Students:
pay a £15 monthly fee
are required to complete all course requirements in order to gain certificate.
have access to both live and recorded classes
Listener Students:
no fee
do not undertake any assessments
have access to live classes
This course is identical to the structure for the English course (as detailed above).
This is a weekly Saturday morning class, aiming to memorise the 30th Juz with tajweed, along with a short summary of the Ayas.
Classes are sub-grouped, allowing for individualised teaching and assessments.
Assessments are both weekly and quarterly term based.
This course is taught by Brother Abdus Salam Subhan.
The aim of the course is to get students connected to the Qur’an by familiarising themselves with the basic structure of classical Arabic that will eventually pave a way to the understanding of the Qur’an.
The syllabus has been developed to ensure that the students reach a good level of proficiency in the understanding of the basic grammar by the end of the first year. This course compliments our Tahfeem al-Qur’an courses and we encourage all students to join it.
Recordings of this class are available but registration is required to access them via our website.
There is no subscription fee for this course.
This class takes place every Friday during term time.
The aim of this course is to know who Allah is, strengthen our connection with Him and to learn how to ask Allah (SWT) using His Names and Attributes. This class encourages us to live in the present rather than past or future and encourages the students to be more mindful of their surroundings and relate everything back to Allah.
There is no subscription fee for this course.