9/25/22 35. Noun Sentence (Exercise 2) Resources:🖊️ Exercise 2 Previous 34. Noun Sentence (Exercise 1) Next 36. Lesson on Fi'l Maadi You Might Also Like 25. Harf Nasb (Exercise) 18 Part 2. Idaafah (Exercise) 15. Cumulative Review of Ism (Part 3) 37. Noun Exercise - Final comments 26. Mowsoof Sifah
9/25/22 35. Noun Sentence (Exercise 2) Resources:🖊️ Exercise 2 Previous 34. Noun Sentence (Exercise 1) Next 36. Lesson on Fi'l Maadi You Might Also Like 25. Harf Nasb (Exercise) 18 Part 2. Idaafah (Exercise) 15. Cumulative Review of Ism (Part 3) 37. Noun Exercise - Final comments 26. Mowsoof Sifah